Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wedding Seating Arrangement Template

Beta-reader, pretty please? Meme

I tried to avoid having to make this post of totes totes, but I need your help.
I just finished the second chapter of my original story, South expectancy (the NaNoProject that ultimately came to nothing), but I feel so insecure about how there been (in terms to the rhythm of the narration, dialogue ...) I'd like to have someone to make me beta-reader of history.
know I'll be all very busy here, but someone to perform a read and tell me roughly what this is, or what could improve, without haste, and enough for me. Moreover, considering that my inspiration comes in contagotas, you know that I can throw me over two months without follow the story ...
* puppy eyes *

So if there is anyone interested, I do know, really appreciate it:]


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