me I have a pissed off because of these three books.
Several years ago my well-intentioned mother gave me a book. I read it completely and I hated so much that they throw away, not figuratively, went into the trash, minutes after I repented and complete gift in a gift exchange. Not if you liked it or not, I do not know the answer. on a group of fifteen friends as they do a DRAMA if they get a pimple the day of this feast, one that does not support her boyfriend (who is in a rock group) is a beer and (realizes he does not combiene, blah, blah, blah ) is cut, another who falls for a guy who dont peel and stuff. I also was fifteen but never, nor my friends nor I have behaved the way they behaved so stupid as these gals. A Book for Teens, I guess, normal and I've never come into that category (I am very proud)
Later I bought "Shadows in the Night" nice title, nice cover and a summary I promised a. Turned be a vampire who falls for a human transforms and live an eternal romance, the girl has a twin sister conocíay not together with the kind of love that takes years to find a conspiracy of vampires. If I compare with the twilight saga even this very well, but no.
And I finished swearing to myself that volvíaa never spend my money on a book that I had not read and gustadome. So after seeing many recommendations Idhun memories down and read what I liked and bought the entire series and other books by the author. If some have bugs do not care, I'm happy with them. I just read
Claudia Midnight Grey and ... well, you may continue the saga is not so odious MarySue, but many characters Suesca seem less bad director, but that is not a bad epic as Bellatrix, only not-good and bored.
the main character's friend called Rachel (I think) and it is also boring. Vic, the best (and only) friend of the bridegroom, is saved, is not interesting or anything, really simple but nice. The final clash is impossible, (SPOILER tiny) all come out alive without a scratch. It's horrible
And worst of all, it's the first book I read this year. And at night, in secret, because it is assumed that the nights are for sleeping and I have wasted hours of sleep reading it, when it could have been reading more fics, or anything else.
A Cat for a month gives me serenade. Every night they are passed under my window meowing comes as the three. I'll put milk on the other side of the house to see if that away a little.
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