Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ist 12chanorg Ungesetzlich

Because I feel like updating with nothing to tell. I have spent more than eight hours watching a single movie, and is a film that left me wanting more, I saw many years ago and I have fallen in love.
The tenth kingdom.

a miniseries, actually, I never saw advertised and found it by chance in a dull morning, I saw not complete, but if I saw the end and I swear that leaves you wanting else, just conosco someone else saw it and loved it too and she did not go so much fantasy as me, so that something good must have

talks about how ordinary people have to struggle to find a target, the royalty does not serve to rule because all they have to worry about is suit them to use, that not everything is as it seems, but sometimes yes. to grow you have to suffer, but sooner or later dreams can be due to a fairy godmother who makes a special appearance and all that fantasy stories you can tell if you pay attention

the four kingdoms that saved nine

wolf (a possible murderer, servant of the evil witch. Is love and has a tail!)

and because I feel like a big spoiler
plot (but whatever it imagine)

Now with Spoilers: In the fourth kingdom is a boring prince in his carriage, going to see her stepmother to deny freedom (is in prison for poisoning their parents) but did not have the troll king attacked the prison to free their beloved children. And still there troll king queen releases her le promete la mitad del cuarto reino. Hace que el príncipe Wendel cambie de cuerpo con un perro, pero el príncipe convertido en perro escapa y la reina libera a Lobo para que lo capture.

  Virginia atropella a un perro camino a su trabajo, como no tiene collar decide quedárselo un rato y luego buscar al dueño, después llega un tipo a es restaurante buscando a su perro, pero ella ya se había ido y (literalmente) se abalanza sobre otra mesera para que le de la dirección de Virginia. Mientras ella llega a su edificio y “tres trolls con el coraje de uno” la atacan para que les de al dog ... then he goes to his grandmother's house and the big bad wolf arrives. She does not realize but he begins to cook at her grandmother: D wolf disguises himself to surprise Grandma Virginia and eat it later, but the smells, sees "the perfect thing in the perfect places" and tells him to eat the discarded and fell in love with her.

Meanwhile, Virginia's father, Tony eat ... mmm let's leave it at something that gives you six wishes and all are in a terrible mess, it seeks to policĂ­ay trolls.

all come to Central Park and a portal Cushan leads to the "Snow White Memorial Prison" in the fourth kingdom. And they must find a way out.

While looking like going across the kingdom and has references to many fairy tales are repeatedly dying and stuff. could be the tell all, but it has more jokes if they see


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