Before the meme I want to thank you-again-how much you have worried about me these days that I have not been very fine:) I recognize that in the previous post the issue was still very 'hot' and now that I look more coldly'm starting to see the cosas desde otra perspectiva. Siento no haber tenido tiempo de responder a vuestros comentarios, pero de verdad, agradezco UN MONTÓN vuestros consejos, vuestros abrazos y esta sensación de no estar sola que me disteis :D
Hoy animaré un poco el journal con memeeees *dances* Tengo un montón de memes que hacer, sobre todo uno extra-largo e hiperloleante a lo motogp!crack total (con dosis ilimitadas de MONECES ABSOLUTAS y de HAYDOSAAAA UNF UNF xDDDDDDD), insertar risa maléfica aquí, pero de momento empezaremos por este al que la mujer de Pochettino (con permiso de Pep), alias
Comment here and I'll give you five things i associate with you, if you want!
Puede about These Things Then comment on your journal.
XDDDDDDDD First of all: I can explain! All started in one of our super-fantastic kedadas with
dirtylaw and
miss_black91 (I think it was the day
jheans also walked around, hihihi), which gave me one of those outbursts to buy Cosmopolitan magazine. One of them was leaving Ragazza Leighton Meester and Blake Lively on the cover, I have it right next to me XDDDDD And we started making the usual tests jets as "good girl or bad girl?" or we read the horoscopes of the players of the future Red fanfic ideas (we went out to dumpling bag, that I remember. And UNAI! UNAI! xD). Come on, it was really bad precisely with the magazines ... nevertheless, for the record I'm not buy magazines very precisely, in any style. I do not buy football magazines because that I have and Sport's website (even if I drop by Plaza Catalunya I do with La Gazzetta dello sport ...), or motorcycle magazines I buy unless there something that interests me very much, because they are very, very expensive (2.50 € each, and that's coming out every week!), and once more I buy a magazine and girl and either because they are cheap, or because it leaves an actress on the cover that I like ... or the classic bikini or beach bag they give away in summer xDDDDDDDDD
My first big crush biker, or the only, indeed. I remember I started to draw attention especially after winning the 125cc world, precisely because it was the first season that I started to follow the three displacements seriously. In 2005 he was already when I began my obsession with him because, bless you, a guy who is third in the 250 in his rookie year is quite commendable ( Lorenzo takes) . The first time I saw him was at the Montmelo Grand Prix in 2006. I signed, I took the photo with him (he disappeared, by the way), I got a banner, I thanked him fifty times, squandered sympathy for a tube ... And two days later won the race! In fact it was the first race I won in two and a half and I was just in the stand overlooking the podium ... And it was brutal! Since then, I've seen him five times, although three of those times was in the same Grand Prix this year xDDDDD The boy eventually sick of myself. I cried a lot when he lost the two world 250 and I am glad a lot of his victories, in addition to
pretty_uniform and I became friends of his father xDDDDDD (LIE, we almost viola).
3 - Italy
try not to get sentimental about this, but I know that I'll finish doing the same ...
I think my love for Italy, well before they even discover what GP-bikes are coming from and since I was a tadpole and I was dying to see the world. They insisted my parents I wanted to go to Italy, who wanted to learn Italian in order to talk to my husband the day that I become the wife of a Roman knight lover (and who says Roman says Milan s, Neapolitan or Calabrian parmesan, that's not important, the boot is very big!). Buuut over the years will come to understand that the last thing would not happen ever ...
insist, beyond that most of my idols come from there. I see it as a fantastic country, and not talk about politics or how much he likes to call attention to certain character, first by ignorance, and second because we should also look in a bit to ourselves ("Raise Taxes? I that
dirtylaw could not put it better: E-MI-GRE-MOS!).
and I emigrated to Italy without any doubt, because I love language and I love to talk to the girls I knew in my friendlist
the_wildside , which also shows que en ese país hay gente fantástica, porque me encantan su cultura, su estilo de vida, porque significa un montón para mí y porque lo que sentí yo la primera vez que pisé Venecia fue lo más parecido a Stendhal con Florencia.
Y ahora sí, fangirl time: CREEDME que ahora que estoy haciendo los resúmenes del calcio en
furia_roja me dan auténticas ganas de pirarme allí para siempre. Es la tierra que ha parido a Valentino Rossi, donde juega la Juventus, la tierra de la azzurra... ¡y cuánto tengo que agradecerle yo por ello! Y es muy grave que esté viendo partidos del Inter de Milán vía streaming y se me caiga la baba contínuamente con Davide Santon, que encima es del 1991, así que me llevo sólo un año con él... ahora sí, chicas: EMIGREMOS.
Jejeeeh, creo que fui yo la primera en descubrir el pairing *mwahaha*. Debatíamos en
corblaugrana sobre con quién íbamos a liar a Ibra, cuando de repente veo una noticia en El Periódico de Catalunya que decían que Maxwell y Zlatan eran como mejores amigos. Y a San Bernardo Schuster me remito: NO HACE FALTA QUE ME DICES NADA MÁS. Es que ¡YA ESTÁ! enseguida vimos todos que era claramente un "no sin mi novio". Tenemos mucho, muchísimo que agradecerle a Mino Raiola, primero por dejarnos fichar a dos jugadores TAN SÚPER DUPER HIPER MEGA ULTRA fantásticos, y segundo ¡por este pedazo de fanservice! Rulando por foros y comunidades elejoteras de Italia me enteré también que el pairing Mourinho/Ibrahimovic era bastante popular, además de que It was then that gave me the doe to buy the gazzetta so often. Mou read interviews and stuff, and the visit of The Special One in the Nou Camp was the straw that broke the camel. This gave Crossroads, the Moubraxwell fanfic (?) Which I hope to publish the second chapter, just as complete (and pass) the first partial, on the 17th of this month.
and refocus on Ibraxwell, is that they deserve each other! One such modosita, so modest, that did not even think 'fit' to play at the club (and still is the defenses expensive and is best Super League scoring ... aix Cabelino Maxwell Scherrer Andrade, was I wrong), the other being the SUPER STAR computer (you need to re-set the video, yes, that video?), who wanders in gallumbos by wherever necessary, strong and determined. So I repeat that these two divinely complement, and in fact, I think this time is my favorite pairing in the whole Barca:) Much more even than Bojan / Henry.
Um ... chose the wrong time to relate to Gossip Girl: P The first season of this I loved the second acknowledge that about a lot of chicha (aka STRAW xD), the third is not even half an hour I endured the first chapter. No, no, I do not like at all the direction you are taking the relationship between Chuck and Blair, just a few reasons (if not only) that saw the series. The first minutes of the new season have left me with a bad taste in mouth and neither have I brought him a second chance, not now. I even liked the drama of 90210 xDDDDDDDDD California, however, insist that the first two seasons I liked a lot. Blair is pretty gorgeous and the characters I like most, is GRRROAR Chuck, Rufus Humphrey is Pochettino # 2 GRRROAR GRRROAR GRRRRRRRRRROAR, I love Lily and Baizen Carter, Dan goes from bad to worse, and Serena can not stand. I have a dictionary at my side and I think he'd throw for Pamfil and why ... CRISPY! Rollet had a summer with CR9! Agh, agh, aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
XDDDDDDDD First of all: I can explain! All started in one of our super-fantastic kedadas with
My first big crush biker, or the only, indeed. I remember I started to draw attention especially after winning the 125cc world, precisely because it was the first season that I started to follow the three displacements seriously. In 2005 he was already when I began my obsession with him because, bless you, a guy who is third in the 250 in his rookie year is quite commendable
3 - Italy
try not to get sentimental about this, but I know that I'll finish doing the same ...
I think my love for Italy, well before they even discover what GP-bikes are coming from and since I was a tadpole and I was dying to see the world. They insisted my parents I wanted to go to Italy, who wanted to learn Italian in order to talk to my husband the day that I become the wife of a Roman knight lover (and who says Roman says Milan s, Neapolitan or Calabrian parmesan, that's not important, the boot is very big!). Buuut over the years will come to understand that the last thing would not happen ever ...
insist, beyond that most of my idols come from there. I see it as a fantastic country, and not talk about politics or how much he likes to call attention to certain character, first by ignorance, and second because we should also look in a bit to ourselves ("Raise Taxes? I that
and I emigrated to Italy without any doubt, because I love language and I love to talk to the girls I knew in my friendlist
Y ahora sí, fangirl time: CREEDME que ahora que estoy haciendo los resúmenes del calcio en
Jejeeeh, creo que fui yo la primera en descubrir el pairing *mwahaha*. Debatíamos en
and refocus on Ibraxwell, is that they deserve each other! One such modosita, so modest, that did not even think 'fit' to play at the club (and still is the defenses expensive and is best Super League scoring ... aix Cabelino Maxwell Scherrer Andrade, was I wrong), the other being the SUPER STAR computer (you need to re-set the video, yes, that video?), who wanders in gallumbos by wherever necessary, strong and determined. So I repeat that these two divinely complement, and in fact, I think this time is my favorite pairing in the whole Barca:) Much more even than Bojan / Henry.
Um ... chose the wrong time to relate to Gossip Girl: P The first season of this I loved the second acknowledge that about a lot of chicha (aka STRAW xD), the third is not even half an hour I endured the first chapter. No, no, I do not like at all the direction you are taking the relationship between Chuck and Blair, just a few reasons (if not only) that saw the series. The first minutes of the new season have left me with a bad taste in mouth and neither have I brought him a second chance, not now. I even liked the drama of 90210 xDDDDDDDDD California, however, insist that the first two seasons I liked a lot. Blair is pretty gorgeous and the characters I like most, is GRRROAR Chuck, Rufus Humphrey is
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