les conté que mi reproductor murió por el ataque de una lavadora asesina. Ha revivido. Y es
como muy genial, me encanta, estoy más enamorada de él que la primera vez, porque ahora tiene el plus de ser un…. ¡¡ZOMBI!! O un vampiro, pero hoy I like the zombies. It is basically a zombie because he has never touched my neck, goes straight to my brain.
Ok ... the comparison begins to fear me, but I am so, so happy, it works, and did not lose a single song! And as for falling in love but the first song I played is Rock on!
I've gone off on technicalities (my computer almost died) and because he did not remember my password.
Today I feel that:
All my things are immortal
Everything looks like its owner
Ergo I am immortal!
And by those technical details have not seen the episodes of any series that does not pass through the TV (read Supernatural) but I have seen the end of the first season of Dexter and I liked it, but still seems wrong to approach the homicidal psychopath SPOILERS (which might not be for anyone) I would love to kill someone together, I suppose that is wrong his brother, he would since a dam and then either Dexter could not have been no turning back. Although, of course, that would have ended the series since the two were going to hunt, trap and kill.
Watch this video , Zombies and Love is not love Zombies, is ... not define it, see it. The girl rule.
PS: I love my walkman and J2
Pd2 I have written a fic with self-insert merysuesco (light) of two marauders, Lily, a shampoo and I (and this has crackastica given another idea) is not whether to publish
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