I'll do an analysis of action of my second favorite game around the world: Tales of Symphonia. Try to do some action that has left almost at the beginning of the game to not spoiler anything to anyone.
So my analysis will ... Colette! Kaoru XD me glued. And forgive my references in English but it's easier that way. Ideas come faster.
Colette is a 16 year old girl who was born in Sylvarant, in a village called Iselia. By a twist of fate * * was chosen as YAHRGHT Chosen by Sylvarant to save the world to go on the Regenaration Journey, which is made to the world to stop wasting mana (vital energy) and Desians (meh. .. bad people, almost always half-elves) disappear and cease to cause problems there.
Sylvarant order to save, you need to 'break' the seals and the mana oo
Then, the trip was supposed to be done with the Priests of the Temple of Martel, the Goddess who rules the world but Desians>> killed, so the mayor said Iselia Raine Sage, age 23, teacher, elf ...
and Kratos Aurion, 28, mercenary man to accompany her and take care.
supposed that his friends should not go with her on the trip. I'm talking about Lloyd Irving, 17, a poor student but the main character, human
XD and Genis Sage, Raine's younger brother, 12, good student, elf.
lost due to a series of unfortunate events ... for the two children> D had to follow the group.
This is where my analysis begins. The thing about Colette is that she did not want Lloyd and Genis go with her because she knew that breaking the seals would mean losing a part of their humanity, and that at the end with the Regeneration Journey, was to become an angel . So, with each breaking seal, Colette was losing something that made her human. At first it was hunger and taste, then it was sleep, after touch, and then the voice. Lloyd
realized what was happening when she lost touch, and the excuse he used was because she wanted others to suffer the knowledge that she could not continue their normal vda. She just wanted others to pass it well, even if it meant being alone in their suffering.
Aw, Colette is too good.
Colette beliefs were that if she did not tell anybody, then nobody would care about her and that would leave them without problems and without being sad. The intention was that Lloyd and others (More Lloyd than anyone else) to be happy.
Colette media were lying, evading questions and pretend to be well apra anyone suspected. The results were that Lloyd noticed something abnormal in the happiness of Colette and realized. The consequences were moral support from others to Lloyd and Colette.
Oh, so good game XD should play, it's great T ^ T
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