. Can not be changed. Already written since you are born and you have a name. Or is it?
One of the last works of CLAMP xxxHolic is a story that talks about Kimihiro Watanuki, a young as 16 who live alone because their parents died when he was small. Its only flaw is that, through His blood, ghosts and spirits follow him and attack him. So
that a day comes to Yuuko Ichihara shop where nothing is sold, but desires are fulfilled. But not free. If you want something, something of equal value must be given. Is the equivalence of exchange. The basic principle of alchemy and a fact that can not be changed at any time.
Yuuko grants wishes, and payment is not money, or anything, but you have something valuable, something worth the same as being asked. Neither more nor less.
So Watanuki was the desire to no longer ask to see ghosts.
My discussion this time is shorter. Or I think so. Watanuki
ghosts suffers a lot because it excluded from the normal life of a teenager. As one can see them, then he feels a little off. Also was the fact that, having no parents, is a very independent guy and how he lives alone, has extensive experience in doing chores like cooking and washing clothes. Its larger deso not see ghosts more, but then learns that they follow through His blood, the spirits that is delicious.
store is supposed to Yuuko's wish can only see those who need to see it, that is, those who have a desire to want to make it happen. Pontu, if you're a normal person who needs nothing, then you can not go to Yuuko's shop, you can even see it. In contrast, though not to enter the shop but you a desire (as in the case of Watanuki [which is written as the first of April "εζ δΈζ₯"]), otherwise you will have more to go. "Because in this world there are no coincidences, only inevitability, or hitsuzen." - Ichihara Yuuko, xxxHolic Volume 1, Chapter 1, p.16. So
Yuuko Watanuki fulfilled the desire, but as a guy who has almost nothing himself, so he had to pay with their services ... and work for Yuuko (rather, will be your slave) until the debt is paid and that is when your desire will be fulfilled.
Watanuki, to work there, he met many people, all customers of Yuuko, who want that their wishes are followed. Except for one (we'll call Bobby) that even entered the store, pretended to dementia and did not say anything I wanted, but Yuuko knows. Everything. oo
Bobby had a very bad habit, I had to change, and how he discovered Watanuki, this habit was to lie. Upon entering the store Yuuko, she lied and said nothing, but warned that Yuuko had to get rid of your bad habit and she did not know what he spoke. Even so, Yuuko gave him a ring he was to try to contain the bad vibe that brought him to lie.
She began by being unable to move his little finger. Watanuki tried to warn that she should stop emntir about their age, profession, her love life ... but she paid no attention and finally stopped moving entirely in front of a truck that was speeding just after removing the ring that kept the bad vibes from taking over her completely. The rest is history.
My analysis will Yuuko.
She has the power to grant wishes, that was her half. His intention, although those who regularly read xxxHolic still do not know, could be that the world must be balanced and with more people happy as possible, if and only if they pay a price for that. But more specifically, the intention in this case Yuuko Bobby, by giving the ring, she was not in danger of dying. The results (note that Yuuko already knew.'s A witch!) Were that the vibe was slower to take over Bobby, but she lied so much that the ring ended up breaking and consequences led to her death.
Yuuko Watanuki asked why he did not tell Bobby that he would end that way, and Yuuko replied that "that person did not mind losing anything. If I did not tell him what to do ... What is good? What is wrong? depends on the person. " xxxHolic Volume 1, Chapter 5, p. 95. I already did
balls I @ @
Mala analysts try to make an idea of xxxHolic. It is very complicated. But hey. Again, as would Yuuko, "If that is loq ue think, that is. If you do not believe, it may not happen. [...] The world exists where what you build." xxxHolic Volume 1, Chapter 5, p.97 and 98.
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