Madrid. (Agencies) .- At least 186 people have died and more than a thousand have been injured by the chain of attacks attributed to the terrorist group ETA in several Madrid commuter trains, according to data posted by the trial teams to places of the facts. The same sources said that some of those killed died in hospitals. In any case, firefighters are still recovering bodies from the interior of the cars affected.
The Ministry of Interior, Ángel Acebes, attributed to ETA, "no doubt", the authorship of the attacks with 13 backpacks full of explosives "titadine" the habitual use by the terrorist group introduced in four train wagons commuter. Terrorists wanted
match the explosion of devices placed in two of the train on arrival at Atocha station, which would have caused the explosion of this compound.
The attacks occurred without warning and without having been yet claimed, starting at 07.39 hours, during rush hour when the 13 backpacks, three exploded in a train entered the station of Atocha four other still driving on the street Téllez (at the entrance of Atocha), one on the platform at the Santa Eugenia station (at the entrance of Madrid on the road to Valencia) and two in the station Pozo del Tio Raimundo (in southeast).
The other three, "booby traps with timers designed to cause damage between security forces and health services," said Acebes, the detonated in a controlled manner the members of the EOD in Atocha (2) and El Pozo del Tio Raimundo (1).
Terrorists placed between 13 and 15 kilos of titadine, according to preliminary estimates of the bomb to the security forces in each of the backpacks, sources said the investigation. They wanted to fly
Atocha station
exploded in the train Téllez street, one kilometer from the station, there were at least two pumps, located in the center and tail of the convoy. This train would have coincided in their arrival at the station with the former had not been for the two minutes late he was carrying. The sources said that, both trains have exploded in the same place, the multiplier effect of the explosives and architectural features of the station would have caused its collapse, causing even more deaths.
Featured equipment in the other two points on which there have been explosions stations near El Pozo and Santa Eugenia, noted that the first of these places has been the highest number of fatalities has been recorded and described by a show Dante with up corpses and dismembered bodies shelters.
Santa Eugenia's attack is one that has resulted in fewer deaths, which still exceeds the half.
Analysis of a device placed next to a fence of the station of El Pozo and exploded by police has been determined that the explosive was composed of a mixture of about five kilos of titadine and nitroglycerin considerada "típica de ETA".
Fuentes jurídicas consultadas en la Audiencia Nacional destacaron, por otra parte, que desde hace unos dos meses se había detectado un debate en el seno de la dirección de la banda terrorista en el que el sector "duro" apostaba por un atentado como el producido hoy. Las mismas fuentes atribuyeron la acción de hoy a la sensación de ETA de estar siendo acosada en todos su frentes, y estimaron que podría tratarse de uno de sus "coletazos finales".
"Hora punta"
Los atentados han tenido lugar en la hora punta de la mañana y en trenes procedentes de algunos de los barrios más deprimidos económicamente de la Comunidad de Madrid. Según Renfe sources said the explosions took place just in the time slot that the company considered "rush hour", because between seven and nine o'clock recorded the highest influx of travelers.
estimated Renfe suburban lines, where there have been all the explosions, are used daily by about nine hundred thousand people and that a large proportion of them are students, who come into class at eight o'clock. Testimonials
"It was a hellish and apocalyptic image," said Jose Garcia, a worker who was near the train station of Santa Eugenia when the device exploded explosive. "We were preparing to start work when we heard a loud bang. We ran out and then we approached the place. It was a hellish and apocalyptic image. There was blood and debris everywhere. It was all destroyed."
"How easy it is to kill people who go to work in the morning," said a man standing near Atocha station, which registered the highest number of victims.
... all this I wonder ... and if it was not ETA? and if they are Arabs our friends who were overrun by our troops and are more prone to such attacks? that ETA would put those there bombs to kill those people? to free the Basque country? I think the only ones who say it makes them have been ETA is the PP to win elections, do not say that it was the PP that has placed the bombs, I say that the PP does not stop saying it was ETA until al-Qaeda or someone who has been saying ... but I doubt very much (and never miss: P) has been ETA ...
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