MEME TIME "" Treball de recerca " it is? Beautiful? Seventeen forever These holidays have been doing things for Work Office for Research, that damn job that all high school students in Catalonia have to do and has a fucking 10% the total score of the stage. At the end I chose the topic of women in sports journalism, so typical of me, yeah. But in what I think it is filling enough. Had the job pretty well defined. The practical part of it's limited to interviews with other journalists, which would add to the annexes and I would also go a long way ahead of the theoretical part of which I have already advanced nearly 40% of what they had in mind.
The problem came when yesterday I was with the tutor who supervises the work for me to teach him all he had done. I showed him the provisional index of all the points he wanted to try. He said that was not bad, but was based primarily on teoríay I had to find the practical: comunicacióny media analysis of their sports programming, surveys to students of the subjects of sports journalism in the Catalan universities, a comparative ... and my ideas are coming in abundance, the problem is that the draft work should finish facing the November and I'm shitting in all by the fact that ideas come to me precisely
now that the holidays are over, that the theoretical part is still a bit green and I have in front of a pretty tough course.
the moment, tomorrow will end one of the points teoríay begin making a comparison on the evolution of women in American sports journalism and English. Also I have to prepare the surveys, the problem is we still do not know how to approach them or anything. And I have a list of different sports programs on radio and TV I'll make segumiento. I'm confused and even some mosques, but what can we do. I guess I will be playing gigs so cute and spend the remainder of 2009 in the most stressful possible. But anyway, I would need
the 10 at work or the doors of the School of Communication at the UPF is completely shut me ... anyway I think I can get it. We will have to go flat.