Saturday, December 26, 2009
Monogrammed Camcorder Bags
I go to sleep this week has been rare. nice. Starting
I got an epic drunk for the second time in my life with my friends we just ... taking into account that only three of us was much (and I swear is the third and last time we mixed liquor, because no one gives me raw, with two ... but do not feel warmth pass the next day I'm dying). The bad thing was that the next day: at eight I had to wake up (we slept about five) with a slight headache and nausea horrible (I used all my strength of will and for not throwing in the truck). Closer to home I thought, I sincerely believed that I had spent all but noooo, without warning, when I was warming my breakfast ZAZ (without giving anything) with my mother in the kitchen. She very nice and friendly (although sometimes I think fool me) said "no, no, no, go to rest" and then "what you fell ill had dinner?" yep, that should have been. My dad said, "is that sometimes dislike cold water." One day later, my father commented that with raw water or anything sweet makes you sick ... and I stayed with that phrase choking "I know something or talk to the score?" And it's strange who do not know, you wake up smelling of alcohol and with symptoms. And much more unusual if they do not tell me anything alguna charla contra el abuso del alcohol o lo que sea, pero nada, solo indirectas que puede que no lo sean y que al escuchar no me doy por aludida. Después en la cena: es la primera vez que mi hermano mayor no va. Y no es que tengamos una gran relación, pero si lo extrañé. También es la primera vez que pude escaparme de los abrazos ¡YAY! Porque siempre toca abrasar a toda la familia y agregados que o no conozco o no nos caemos. También es la primera vez que no recibo regalos de “santa Claus” y eso si lo extrañé, no solo por el regalo, sino por que ya nos llegó la crisis. Es como darme cuenta de golpe que ya soy un adulto y los demás no se esfuerzan en disfrazarme el mundo. Creo que lo anterior suena peor de lo que es,
me divertí mucho a pesar de los detallitos, sobre todo eso de librarme de parte de la cena.
ah, y ha hecho un frio como pocas veces (desde hace diez años no he pasado tanto pinche frio)
Wedding Flex Wordings
Ask me to take pictures of Any aspect of my life That you're interested in. / curious about, it Can Be anything from my favorite shirt to my cell phone. Leave your
Requests as a comment to this entry, I'll snap the pictures and post soon-ish Them. It's like a glimpse into my world!
Christmas is going quite well. Bittersweet, because of what happened in the trip to Strasbourg, and because of the girl who used to be my BFF, but I don't want to talk about it right now that I want to feel better.
So, ask me whatever you want me to take a picture to. I will do it pleasantly! :)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
What Does Hiv Look Like
Titolo: So close, yet so far
Fandom: RPF - Football (FC Barcelona / Inter Milan)
Characters: Samuel Eto'o, Bojan Krkic + mention of Pep Guardiola
Rating: PG
Warning: mh ... angst? Nothing important, I think ...
Word count: 445 words
Notes: here is the Christmas present of
The title song is by Hoobastank, So close, so far , there is the brush \u0026lt;3
Do not think I can wait ...
So close, so far , Hoobastank.
And he was so close.
The physical distance between them was quite short, almost non-existent. They embraced, and Samuel leaned his right arm on the back of Bojan, and yet it seemed as if their horns become one. However, now there were many barriers to be overcome among them Samuel cursed every step he took ...
"Maldita sea " *. Samuel cursed the nine years that separated them, cursed his particular pride and fear to lose that image of himself, strong and invulnerable, that caused him to tilt his head and steal that kiss, that he could not do do. For the first time, also decided to curse the Nerazzurri colors and shield he was sentenced to compete against the "child" Lignola.
"I missed you so much, Samu ..."
"You, too, to me, enano *. Me too ... " Samuel had a shy smile. "You look taller, faster, stronger. I see you still better than you were before. "
Samuel Pep finally understood when she spoke of feeling issues. Obviously there was no feeling between him and his former coach, compared with what he had with Bojan. He cursed even that innocent smile of his former partner. It was sweet, friendly, able to make him mad. It grabbed him, living every second, at most, as if it were your last. He was really afraid of being separated from him.
... The dressing room is not the same without you. Are we missing something , you know, "said Bojan with that sad face. "I've learned everything from you ..."
"Do not be stupid, go '. Pequeño , you're right, and triumph. " The Cameroonian places a hand on the head of Bojan and shakes his hair. "You have talent, and if by any chance know how to exploit it, or there is no feeling even laughed with you ..."," ... then you have at your house in Milan and a black man who will take care volentierissimi you. "
Bojan laughed comment on Samui, and he was immediately infected by her laughter. The spotlight on all of them, Bojan and Samuel and advancing close one another, as if the tension of the game had gone on. Samuel knew that it would be crazy to kiss him in front of cameras all over Europe and made the impossible to make disappear the impulse.
As he walked, Samuel felt like it was not that warm breeze that prevailed even in Barcelona in November, the multitude of people every day to the Ramblas, the songs and the affection of the fans asses , Pep's speeches before matches, His love for Barca shirt.
But more than any other he had not , who now felt close, yet far away.
* Maldita sea : damn, damn. **
enano : nano, molto piccolo.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Meralgia Paresthetica While Pregnant
And I still can't believe it. We're not just the best team in the world, but the ALL-TIME best team in the world. No one has ever achieved what we've done... and if someone ever does, they'll never beat our figures.
Yesterday evening I went to visit the fountain in chutes, the place where all vie celebrate all the important victories ...
thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine
club that I was born in the heart
Blue are the colors ...
Futbol Club Barcelona!
Barcelona yesterday night I was looking gorgeous ...
The club flag waving on the video ... :)
A TV reporter interviewing some vie ...
Such beautiful colours...
Myself, kissing the shield :)
You can't see it very well, but that's my brand new Thierry Henry's badge, which I bought in carrer Tallers :D It's written "HENRY" and a big number 14.
I've never been proud of supporting club and I really enjoyed yesterday night: D It's just wonderful ... so thanks, Joe, Charles, Xavi, VV, Iniesta, Daniel Gerard, Rafa, Gabri, Maxwell, Abigirl, Chygry XD KEITEEEEEEEEEE, Yaya, Zlatan, Messi, Bojan, marmoset, Pedro, Busi, Pinto . Also in Eto'o, Sylvinho, Caceres, Hleb? xD, having been part of this HISTORY . (Sorry if someone is missing! ^)
This afternoon I'm going to Strasbourg for some days. We'll visit the European Parliament and some other stuff around there, and despite having SUCH A BAD WEATHER *brrrrr* I'm sure I will have much fun :)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Pokemon Emerald I Want A Shiny Breed
me aburro espantosamente! es espantoso, no tengo nada que hacer por primera vez en MESES no tengo sueño y M-E- A-B-U-R-R-O
no tengo sueño, ni nada que contar, solo que esto aburrida, pero en plan MUCHO y es desesperante, porque en serio, es la primeraves en meses que no tengo que apurarme por nada y no se me ocurre nothing to waste time.
want to jump from my window to see how long it takes to fall, and if I remove this (second floor, and I will not do, and grass on down there, so much did not happen) Complete tests
Today, not as I'm gone but I feel free, just that now that I spend the feeling of absolute freedom (or maybe because of it) I have nothing to do, I have not thought of doing anything, but I need to do something.
oh, and something remarkable is that I saw a movie ... weird ... rare, rare ... rather fumadisima of Bruce LaBruce, I think that everything of that type is. Up
and saw it as the best movie of añoo maybe more, it has everything.
and now.
I went to school, worked, and that ... accounts making me feel that someone should
months of life requires satisfaction, universe! cosmic experience or something ...
I'm bored
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Neutrogena Micro Mist Airbrush
Footie!meme stolen from
You have to choose one baller to do each of the following activities with.
You can't choose the same baller for more than one answer.
You have to explain your reasons behind each answer.
1) Go backpacking across Europe with
Carles Puyol . Sin derecho a roce, ni nada, que
Or maybe with Raul Albiol to check KANGAROOS IN AUSTRIA.
2) Teach you
Wear Their language too rusty French might need the help of Yoann Gourcuff to catch up. Although practice with Italian I would not go wrong, and probably would ask a helps these two .
3) Go on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire with
4) Bake at chocolate cake with
I love making cupcakes and my former neighbor Cesc Fabregas (not jodamos, BORN IN THE SAME REGION! \u0026lt;3 Visca el Maresme!), a sweet , loves to eat. Having a student as Cesc sure that would happen a little whores, but the result would be worthwhile.
5) Get drunk and sing karaoke with
DANI ALVES! But with their ears before. Dani is the party personified ... up to Real Madrid would be the right by his side: *
6) Go on an extreme sports holiday with Zlatan Ibrahimovic
, because who better than him to give a little thrill in my life? : 3
7) Raise money for underprivileged kids with Iker Casillas
, because this picture speaks for itself and because it is hard to resist him, merengue whatsoever.
8) Marry and Have lots of sex and babies with
9) Play an embarrassingly tabloid-worthy prank on
A joke? A Samuel Eto'o. Just to see how they would react x__D
10) Have a short but wholly satisfying sordid affair with
Gerard Piqué . Mira que lo intento porque tampoco es que sea _mi tipo_, pero es difícil no encontrarlo atractivo...
11) Go to a fancy dress event with
¡¡¡ Erica Abidal!!! Vamos, mirad esto y reíd, no hace falta que os diga nada más:
(gracias a
12) Have a drunken hook up that you may regret
with Gonzalo Higuain . Because although I love playing and even physically like me and would not squeamish at all ... no, the colors are overweight.
13) Go
ballroom dancing with Leo Messi If so that is my house (with or without Ballon d'Or, or changing the trophy for a rose), I said yes to any proposition.
14) Pull off an Ocean's Eleven heist style with
After seeing this picture of David Villa (
15) Go on a secret mission with
As quietly and as unobtrusive (except when you put these shirts roses, NO ANDRÉS, NO!), Iniesta Andresito elegiríaa , apart from that his qualities would Gusiluz me a fucking ...
Friday, December 11, 2009
Jacksonville Fl Swim Team Hoodies
Chapter 2
Memories of Yorunoyume
still strange, but I hope you like who might be interested.
Thank you for your review and for their support in the two publications of this story: Karina Natsumi, edison Setsuna already 17 and Sasami,
thanks for review in the foreword to: sysa12, Coolstar, Dai Uchiha, uchiha sakura, sakura hime, uchiha sama, and my cousin diana
I hope to update soon.
6 Month Anniversary Date
to announce that Post Express:
Mates and border the
So then I'll catch up with your tickets, hoping not to have missed anything:) And I will write!
But now, to do an interview for my Treball de Recerca ... and be with my baby and clone British Ibrahimovic: 3 I'll tell you XD Love yooou :******
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Ball Wart Foot Doctor Podiatrist Dermatologist
Chapter 1 meeting
sigue siendo raro...
gracias a las personas que dejaron review en el prologo de la historia
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Littlestpetshop Dress Up Games Only
begins the week of Terror: TRI-MES-LES-TRA * insert DRAMAH Button
Anyway, go to the Calendar of Drama:
Thursday 3: English (+ visit to UAB on why I Treball de Recerca)
Friday 4: Catalan language
History + * insert bridge
here, I had a SUPER PLANAZO that has gone to hell *
Wednesday 9: Philosophy & Geography
Thursday 10: History of Art + Psychology
Friday 11: Applied mathematics and English language + + DELIVERY OF MY TREBALL for Research. Only preliminary work to make some corrections and finishing touches, but could not have picked a different date, PER L'AMOR DE DEU?
I am relatively quiet in English, Català, Art History and Matt (who I was going to tell me two years ago ...), and I'm jiñadísima by that of geography, which made a disastrous second set (3.25 and having studied all the previous week, ladies and gentlemen). Pray for me. A San Mateo (Bellamy xD), Valentino Rossi, Zlatan, Chuck Bass, who is.
And yes, when this is over I will continue with the second chapter of which was to be my story for NaNo, as well as Mourinho Ibraxwell + Beautiful Love (for which I need beta .. . "voluntary") and the many fics that you asked me the day of KDD in
- Xavi / Carles, roll dads with Bojan / Leo
- Cesc / Villa, aka
PIES - Pique / Leo (Gerard / Leo = GEO * sigh * I chase, fucking)
- Kriqué * sigh *
- Bojan / Leo
- Manufacture (Cesc / Gerard)
- Pedrosita + + Lorenzo Rossi
XDDDDD And attention
Pellegrini / Mourinho lost on a desert island. And very angry! Sex with Ibrahimovic, who will face Crispy Ce-Erre-Nine, and Marchenator * DRAMAH BUTTON OUT TIME IS RUNNING xDDDDDDDDDD *
Apali, that's all for today. Entry
The concert was, yes ...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Reebok X Pulse Goalie Pads
Encuentro Nocturno
El tiempo, la magia y el destino nos pueden dar una segunda oportunidad...que definitivamente debemos aprovechar
Este es mi nuevo trabajo, algo tarde pero acorde a estas fechas, espero les agrade; la idea me surgió después de leer “Fin de octubre”, muy muy bueno por cierto.
Swollen Tingly Ankles
::: Dreams:::
night Sleep
Monday, November 16, 2009
Good Computer Skate Game
Fandom: Original Story .
Title: South of hope.
Status: Unfinished . Long history.
Chapter: 1
Words: 1,675
Notes: I present that would be my NaNo-project, which obviously had to leave because he could not reconcile the trio tests + NaNo + treball de recerca. The main plot of the story based on the relationship between Ishmael, a simple innkeeper of the Gothic Quarter Barcelona and Aroa, a girl whose greatest dream is to become a sports star, with all the difficulties that that entails (especially for a woman). Yes, this cartoon is part of football. No, not Oliver and Benji . Most of the action takes place outside the field, and the protagonist is not going to go through a whole chapter by an internal monologue about the thousand and one possible way to kick a penalty.
I must say I feel quite unsafe for posting this first chapter: since January! I do not write an original story ... and lost practice, if it ever came to having it ¡///¡ So would greatly appreciate your reviews , either praise or constructive criticism ... help me a lot to follow, I hope.
And the title of the story is a source of angry youth memory of Loquillo.
The bar was located in the heart of Barcelona's Gothic Quarter, just over a mile from downtown. He had virtually nothing to distinguish it from other bars, was small but cozy in its proper place, with white wood-paneled walls, a few round tables accompanied by dark brown black stools, and a great bar that is imposed from one end to the tavern. Rekalde walls were decorated with dozens of photos, scarves, autographs and other items related to the Athletic Club of Bilbao Iñaki Arazola, the bar owner, brought Vizcaya when he emigrated to the city. It was his little 'treasure' particular, and show it to customers of the bar as if it were their own gallery of art, something he considered. Dozens of posters of the 'Lions' most illustrious, as Julen Guerrero, Goikoetxea or Iribar rested on the walls of the tavern and was accompanied by a photograph of the complete Arazola family in the stands at San Mames stadium.
Arazola arrived in Barcelona with his wife in September 1982, shortly after the Italian, with Pablito Rossi in front, was proclaimed World Champion in Spain. Just six months before his only son was born, Ishmael, who is currently busy with work as a waiter Rekalde. Ismael was twenty years, the membership card of the Athletic Club of Bilbao, a boundless sympathy with their customers and a business studies that never came to an end. They put that name in honor of Ismael Urtubia, the runner up team from Bilbao that gave their fans so much success in that glorious year 82. It was a very simple guy and conventional, robust, normal stature, with hair and dark eyes, and a hidden tummy brewer who resigned after many attempts to eliminate, despite regularly playing football in a club district formed by his childhood friends, to participating in the occasional amateur tournament.
was a Sunday night, so the Arazola bar was full, as usual, the T-forties with Barca and with their wives, who looked upon everywhere but to any of the two large plasma TV set in the wall, trying not to be infected by the fever, football, the old men who came with their cigarettes and be filled with beer and sausage sandwiches prepared by Romina, one of the cooks at the tavern. There was also a minority of young boys engaged in playing football or billiards and eventually also turned to look at the screen, just in time to see the moves of greatest danger. Ismael
serving in the far left of the bar where the taps were preparing a pair of rods when she sat a few meters. He was surprised to see one for the first time after so many matches he had seen accompanied by his friends in his bar ... maybe that's why almost all the beer spilled on the floor, but with a little luck, managed to control his clumsiness. Should be about six or seven years younger than he was tall, with a slender body. Half had brown hair and almond eyes and deep, you always shunned those looking for fear of being lost in them, a dark, almost black.
- Give me another clear to me too, please, the girl sat slightly to the point where it was Ishmael, with a strong voice and a faint smile on his face.
“Marchando”, respondió Ismael, sonriente. Quedaban sólo diez minutos para que el Barcelona-Zaragoza diera su comienzo, la voz de Joaquim Maria Puyal empezaba a sonar por los bafles instalados a lo largo del bar, y el Rekalde ya se estaba llenando de aforo, ruidos, humo, y estrés para los camareros. Sirvió apresuradamente las cervezas a dos muchachos, y en escasos segundos la joven se vio sorprendida con la copa de cerveza y limón posada delante de ella. Se la llevó a los labios, bajo la feliz mirada del pobre y joven tabernero, quien decidió darse un pequeño pero plácido descanso antes de volver al agobio al que tantas veces le sometía la clientela.
- Qué rápido –dijo, after they take a first drink to drink, "Thanks.
- To you, "he said, without erasing the smile from his face. He had seen countless times, yet had not yet spoken, or at least nothing beyond the typical server-client relationship. And there was always a first time for everything, or not - is the first time I see one around here.
- I guess that my colleagues will soon come, his eyes took on the wrist, decorated with a glass of white with silver stones "Though already late. I think I will be playing follow the first few minutes alone ...
- This bar is impossible to feel Ismael just laughed, referring to the entire crowd every weekend copaba the Rekalde .- At least, if you like soccer ... as in your case, right?
- The truth is I do, "he said, resting her head on his arm and with a sigh," I love since I was a kid ... actually, I play football in Badalona.
- Really? Wow, was surprised Ismael "I know many girls that they like, and even less to play.
- For any, and very good. "Said confident. He laughed as he continued his glass of beer in one hand, and the other playing with a lock of his hair.-Lo The problem is that, in that, men do not acostumbráis to see beyond your nose.
- That's a lie!
- Now, you know who is Messi, right? She asked, glancing examiner when he noticed his surprise.
- Damn, it snorted Ismael clear, but could not laugh, I'm almost-owner of a bar. I have to know who is on his face.
- Ya-whisper But if you wonder who is Marta da Silva, what would you say?
- Marta gives what?
- Marta da Silva! "She insisted, with an inertia that almost makes up the stool-It won the FIFA World Player ...
- Wow, must be good, then.
- ... for three years running. And is 23 years ... imagine! It's awesome.
"Damn!" He said Ishmael. Soon be back to serve refreshments and canes to other customers, without losing sight for a moment that girl who had left him stunned many times in the few minutes they talked together. Saw aside for a moment the sight of him to lay her eyes on one of the photographs pasted on the walls of the bar, where she saw a young Ismael Arazola with the football team of his group of friends, dubbed The Baixinho FC, in honor of Romario and low average height of its components (few were those who exceeded 1.75 between them).
- So you also play soccer, she concluded.
- Not as much as I would, "admitted" We're just a team of colleagues. We make pachangas and participate in any amateur tournament, but nothing more.
- And what position do you play? I have curiosity.
- striker I replied, adding with a triumphant tone: - And the best foul shooter you've met in your life, sure. Juninho or better than Del Piero. And the shots of Beckham have no point of comparison with mine.
- No kidding. That is almost impossible.
- Believe me, someday I'll prove it.
- You have not seen mine, "she defended herself, who burst out laughing" You should know Claudia, that of my team. It is a killer. Fixed it would have nightmares about it!
- If you say so ... "Ishmael looked down, smiling," And you, this ...?
- Aroa.
- Aroa, "he repeated, tasting as if that name was like honey on her lips What position are you?
- Set on the right side, but I often go further in the extreme. To go to the counter and give more vertical to the game, and sat ... eh! Santi! Aroa
was startled when a pair of arms, big, muscular and dressed in black leather, appeared from nowhere and suddenly surrounded his waist. It was a tall, heavyset with cropped hair and wearing a leather waistcoat, who ate the girl kisses on the cheeks first and then shamelessly down her lips and neck, under the astonished gaze Ismael, whose joy vanished instantly.
No, I could not afford to lose losing a second of your time with such a spectacle: the party had just begun and that gave the starting signal for frantic work Rekalde waiters, serving beers and patatas bravas rations left and right. Ismael was with all the attention and kindness I could to all its customers, but always found a gap between this hard to look askance at Aroa, Puyal singing animatedly with each of the six goals he scored the club that night, as was the target Santi looks enraptured.
who seemed to be the boyfriend of the girl sat beside her and asked Ismael median. Serve it soon, though inside could you desire to take something different within the bottle. Yes, that is, something more ... lethal. But it was not: I wish I had something between all those potions that do indeed!
decided to leave for that occasion. Another might be.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Pir Motions Sensor Circuit
A meme, stolen from my beloved Nerazzurri
Videos, pics and other stuff is included xD
2. When did you start supporting that team? My parents and bro were all culés, I was born in Barcelona and in 1992, the year we won our first Champions League, so unconsciously I've probably supported Barça since I was a baby...
3. Have you ever supported other teams? The second team in my heart is Valencia CF, as most of my family have come from VLC. Also, I've had many, many team crushes. I'm a huge fan of Calcio, and I've got a big affection to Juventus FC although I don't consider myself a real tifosa , as I like Milan a lot and don't even dislike Inter xD Also, I've liked Arsenal since the moment I first saw Tití playing (and then there's Cesc, and RVP, and Arshavin...)
4.Why football and why not basketball? Sometimes I watch basketball as well, but one of my resolutions for next season is to watch many more games. Anyway, I'm more of motorsports than basketball...
5. Your first footie crush and why. Pep Guardiola! I started watching the games with my family when he was the team captain, so he's still THE CAPTAIN to me (well, then there's Puyol, okay? xD). He was the point of reference for Barça when I was a kid, so he's probably the player whom I've admired the most. I still remember how much I cried when he retired as a footballer and my happiness now that he has become the perfect coach for us.
6. If you were a footballer, in which role would you play? ... Hooligan XDDDDD I'm not exactly a good player, but if I had to choose... probably midfield.
7. In which society? I would be happy playing at CE Premià, the team in my town xD
8. Your favourite Liga, Premier, Bundes teams. I think you already know my favourite Liga team, so... I'm in love with Arsenal and I haven't seen many Bundesliga games but I've always liked Bayern Munchen ^^
9. The ... footballer
most intelligent: Xavi Hernández *_*
most cunning: Dani Alves!
most arrogant: Cristiano Ronaldo.
most handsome: Oh COME ON. Silly question... just look at my header!
shiest: I'd probably say Alberto Paloschi, or so it seems to me... or even Bojaaan >///<
most womanizer: Gerard Piqué, for sure.
silliest : Raúl Albiol xD
most stylish: Andriy Shevchenko &hearts; Or Ricky Kakà! (22/7, yay)
10. If you had a daughter, who would be the perfect son-in-law? I would have said Bojan, but he is the official Lolita in FCB, so... XD Then I would say Davide 'the cuteness' Santon, or Pato, even Aaron Ramsey *o*
11. 5 footballers you loved. ADP *hearts*, Pep, Fernando Torres (...yep ¡///¡), Ricardo Kakà, and of course of course, Thierry!
12. Your actual football crush and his best qualities: ALBERTO PALOSCHI! Can't wait to see him back in Milan. I like the fact that he's so brave despite being young... he's made great things, and I always tried to catch up with news related to Parma just for Albi... *needs an icon of him* I'm sure he'll soon be a star ^^
And afterwards there's Zlatan, of course... that's what I call MAGIC!
13. The footballer you would have in your fav team: PEDROOOOOOOOOOO xD So we'll ALWAYS get to score a couple of goals...
14. If your team didn't exist, which team would you support? Ummm... Espanyol? xDDDDDDDD
15. The first match at the stadium: Last Tuesday, the match between FCB and Cultural Leonesa that ended up in 5-0 =P
16. Do all in your family support the same team? Yep, fortunately.
17. Last match you saw: Barça-Cultural Leonesa, too XDDDDDDD
18. The best match: It might be one of the CL finales we've won against Arsenal and ManU... but the 2-6 against Real Madrid was just LE-GEN-DA-RY. AND it has been probably the best match Henry's played in Barcelona...
Doubts, anyone?
19. The worst match: I haven't seen many terrible games by Barça recently, but I won't ever forget that 'pasillo' match at Bernabéu, when RM had already won la Liga... it was just humiliating... but we've certainly learnt from our mistakes!
20. The Golden Ball to...? Xavi Hernández.
21. Who is the footballer you hate most? Figo. I will never forgive when he left BCN and went to play in Real Madrid...
22. Which footballer would be a perfect politician? Oleguer Presas X___D (Puyol would be the Vicepresident and Sylvinho, the Conseller en Cap!) WAAAAAAAAAAAH xD
OH CMON, A Brazilian speaking Catalan! Isn't it cute? QUE N'APRENGUIN!
23. A perfect model? Sheva and his wonderful smile <33333
I will never forgive
24. A perfect tv-announcer? Cesc Fàbregas
25. What do you think about wags? Your favorite? That It Would not Be Being bad one of them ... (Yes, deep down I am a farting, so what? XD) And ... I really like Anna and Elsa (Iniesta and Xavi's respectivamente), or maybe Sylvie Van der Vaart events
xDDDD 26. Mourinho is ... good theater.
27. Shevchenko is ... awesome.
28. J. Zanetti is ... Inter's captain.
29. Ronaldo is ... one of the all-time best players (the real Ronaldo, Not Crispy)
30. Footie Your Wishes for 2010: Winning the treble again , Then That It Would Be the sextet ^ ^ Nah, I just hope we'll keep playing as well as we're doing now.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Rotatable Monitor Stand
Suki Planning in Today: 6:00
Waking up! If we add the "ish minutes másssss" must have eventually just
postponing until 6:30. Dress, comb, take a look at the f-list (good morning, and I want> or \u0026lt;), breakfast, and run off to
7:05, to arrive at the station Premià Mar
to 7:20, to catch the train at
7:30, and arrive at Mataró on
7:45. Classes, rollazos miscellaneous blahblahblases Catalan language to the
9:00, I had the MAL Mates Review. But as so and so bad that even though it'll take sabérmelo ... a 6, because it was like Marathon. But I am consoled because the other part, at least have a 7.5 average. Moreover, it could well have gotten a 2 in this review if I had not noticed a very stupid decision I made in the past two minutes ... and because, of 85 students who are social in high school, maybe do not endorse or twenty. More classes, cutting edge, history of art (art Romanesque Asturian = VILLA VILLA VILLA VILLA ALL THE WAY! * Dances *) and English, until
14:45, crook until the train from Sants Mataró -Estació. I caught a couple of sandwiches in a self-service to the Sants estacióny Collblanc I, and I do
16:00, the time when I stayed with
(hundreds, thousands, millions of thanks to siesna and your credit card, but both travel nah)
Beautiful, huh? Be the first Barca game to see live ... 17 years later ...
After collecting the tickets, we go to McDonald's for a drink, and boredom leads to this:
Be tarnished, my friend!
Subtitle: "IAQUINTA IS HURT !!!!" (
A good time, definitely. All this until 17:05
18:00 and I come across half the town to be on time to English. Total, which finally arrived home at 19:30
. Ultimately, twelve hours away from home and hanging around the metropolitan area Barna.
And tomorrow, I have yet:
1. Read my Chapter 7 to 13 Nada by Carmen Laforet.
2. Finish a job in psychology.
3. Dining
5. Fix my mop of hair that I
Y. .. something else.
I want to sleep. NOW.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Did Anyone Do Laser Hair Removal Nyc
comentadme with the following information-all, or only in part, and I will answer with a drabble. You can comment several times and get different drabbles. The only rule is that dabbles have to be a RPG or sports (is the little of what I write atreveríaa right now ...) . And if possible, that I know.
Characters or partner Argument
Supported: crack, slash, femmeslash, alternative histories and anything else you can think of.
Comment on this entry with the Following information-or just a part of it-and I will reply to you with a drabble. Many Times You Can comment and get Different drabbles. The only rule here is the drabbles That Must Be about an RPG or sports! Fandom That I know, if possible.
Character or couple
Plot / story line
Crack, slash, femmeslash, AU and Any Other Thing That Comes to your mind is ADMITTED.
And with that and a biscuit (my life is too boring, yep), I hope all a Happy Halloween ~
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Ideal Workout For A 20 Year Old Male
My letter to the invisible friend
culé! invisible friend,
This year I have been a culé sooo good. I celebrated in style the three titles we've got, I wrote my first fanfic in this fandom (I started with a Gigi Buffon / Iker Casillas, but bear it in mind! Kthx), I went to presentation at Camp Nou for a guy who is fucking crack and another in the Miniestadi, not as well known but IS THAT AY AY OMA. In addition, I have been a good admin
1. I have a weakness for the big earrings , are as they are. The ones I like are long, and those who are bathed gold. \u0026lt;3 you do not averse to a bracelet the more simple objects better, to remember you every time you see it. :)
2. Scarves , scarves and foulards. I love, love me, love me! And my collection is rather limited.
3. A CD with music ! What songs remind you of me? What is the music you should hear and want to recommend? How could songs better define an OTP that we like both? The truth is I'm pretty eclectic in taste. To give you an idea, my favorite bands are Muse, Kasabian and Queen. Instead, as I love solo singers Joss Stone and Robbie Williams, so I play from rock to soul, to pop baker, house and even some rap. If you are not Sergio Ramos and love reggaeton, flamenquitos and stuff, fine.
4. Fanart \u0026lt;3 What you give to have a portrait of Ale Del Piero, Titian, Villa, Cesc or even Valentino Rossi hanging in my room. * Draws hearts * That does not mean I want to be hung in my room a picture of the duo Ibraxwell lean (and who says Ibraxwell says pies, Pochediola or Bojan / Henry), who know what my parents think xDDDDD But otherwise, no problem ~
5. A short vignette one of my pairings (by now know them too well, but ahead and ask!). But hand-written! With erasures, smudges, written words over others, without respecting the margins, puñoy your letter, go \u0026lt;3
6. A notebook ! I need a book like scoring miss_black91 to go fics, ideas, results of the club and tooodas outstanding stuff I have to do ...
7. Chocolates, sweets, COOKIES! You know how heavy that sometimes I get the club since I love to give me cookies, and Christmas will not be an exception.
I think I've asked a lot, so, dear Santa, you decide \u0026lt;3 Now you just turn to you to decide which stuff deserves my thanks, and whatever, I hereby granted that I'll love with these things I'm very easy xD happy to
Many kisses and much love to all your family. Sincerely,
Monday, October 26, 2009
Clown Fish For Sale In Los Angeles,ca
* cries * I'm nervous, very nervous. I have to give an exhibition on a film. research and all I could get internet.
but what terrifies me is having to stand in front of all ALL, I repeat the whole class, with several more advanced students in semesters I and / or knowledge of rare films, those that do not go more than a week in theaters and not be bad, but because of this thought-provoking.
PANIC. lot. the last time I had to expose end up walking out of class because all those eyes on me made me want to vomit. was two years ago.
I was trying to imagine how another person is what I have recommended to see it go away.
porquienes not vote in ljaguors (or as you type) in some categories, yes, but I have several candidates.
also seems that in a month or so I'm going back home to change and do not want. I find it hard to get used to changes, a long time lived in my bag and once I have all my clothes, books, notebooks and other off in a place that concidero mine ... I do not want change. "
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Alpine Type R Sub Box Design
Hell yeah! Here is my campaign to convince I'm the best football fan LiveJournal ...
passes through here that will give you every reason, beibeh ...
1 - The first and obvious: because "someone" has nominated me . I had not even The head has gone through and suddenly I see my name among the nominees. That can only mean one thing: someone think I deserve this honor ... (also applies to more than one person who deserved to be nominated before me, but good).
Stunned That left me to see my nick there ... ains.
CESC FABREGAS: "eing? "Sukichann? But that was not the bikes?
Yes, Cesc is the same ... But also is a fan of yours likes football!
2 - Because Barca took the blood . I was born in the year when the club won their first Champions League, 1992, and that, when you are born the same Anoy in the city of Barcelona, marks you for life. I have wept for joy and I cried many times in as many. Some of the highlights of my childhood more than I have in my mind is when I went to buy the baseball cards and I became hysterical because I went Abelardo and not Ronaldo, or the posters hanging in my room was the BIG, HUGE, GENIALÍSIMO Sergi Barjuan, or operation of Figo to Madrid, the farewell with tears in her eyes Nu Nez and the withdrawal of Guardiola as a footballer. I am not exactly a fan of Barca's treble output, just ...
For see, I see up matches younger brother Marc Muniesa, Pol (nine-ten years old) for Barça TV
xD 3 - Because it is very difficult to be THE PARROT! today's football if you follow me on Twitter LiveJournal or :
(not scientifically proven ... but obvious, joer)
- The layout of my LJ sings alone, and ... the icons! Almost 50% of my icons are related to football ... and give thanks that I have not yet made a Plus account.
- I am part of the founding trio of corblaugrana , the best community of FC Barcelona global world. I am in charge of the clubs, I do not miss a single KDD and spameo a bag (not so much lately, but first things first, right?)
4 - Because not only Barca things go! I bring Italian football and lately I'm trying to catch up as I can in the Premier League. I am in charge of the weekly summaries of Calcium furia_roja , no Italian team who resist me, and I know by heart the Inter Milan youth system. In addition, I like football . Good football, go. Therefore, despite being super fan of Juventus, there is no Serie A particularly dislike me (well, yes, a bit of Fiorentina, but that's another story XD).
Because I'm loyal to the red, but I know the alignment of the "Azzurri" pe a pa, and even I can see a match with Sweden-Albania pretty_uniform (true story!)
And for the record that NOT ONLY BRING OS ... but football FOOTBALL:
5 - Because football is fandom, and the fandom is ... SLASH! Before contacting the shipper and the fandom elejotero Guti / Zerjio Ramoh and Tamudo / Luis García ( TAMURCÍA XD), besides being one of the first to write Pochediola (Pochettino / Pep) and Malves , and few have written in Pepe Reina / Puyol , Gigi / Iker (at least in Castilian), Michel Salgado / Raúl , fanfics of selecció n Italian national, and the great discovery of the season: the "not-without-my-boyfriend" of IBRAXWELL !
6 - Because since I was a booger dream of being a sports journalist and have my own space now football in a radio station or motor sports. And I made my first steps as a commentator, the day he sang alignment
Barca in the match against Sporting de Gijón last season in Barcelona-Ona FM Radio (Cadena Ser). 00:25 From
... (LOL I still die of shame to hear XDDDDDDDDD)
7 - Because nine out of ten characters from the sports news (or connected to it ... XDDD) have a hunch think I deserve this honor ...
Why do not you, Bernard?
Well, we know the criteria that is the Lord. Let's move on to other personalities
XD Top
up Stephen and Suki!
I'd feel safe with you in our goalkeeper, Iker ...
And here we have 22 world championships together (12 +1 Nieto and again, yes, NINE * _ * de Rossi) supporting my cause:
REMEMBER! Read the rules de la votación (¡ IMPORTANTE !), y dirígete enseguida AQUÍ , le das a “Reply” y escribes sukichann . Y que no os embauquen… ¡Sukichann FOR THE WIN!